Description as at 2018.06.11  Cash  Combined 02 week  Lone
1 White Sugar – net.w 1 KG
(Interest will be charged to the Co-Op Societies for Sugar)
2 Dhal  – Deer – net.w 1 KG           105.50          106.00                106.00
Dhal S/P  – net.w 1KG           105.50          106.00                106.00
Dhal Leaf – net.w 1KG           109.00          110.00                110.00
3 Chicken Dhal – net.w 1KG           136.00          137.00                138.00
4  Watana -net.w- Aus 1KG             96.50             97.00                   98.00
 Watana -net.w- Aus 1KG             97.50             98.00                   99.00
 Cash  Combined 02 week  Lone
7 Highland Milk Powerd 400g F/C           261.25
Highland Milk Powerd 1kg  F/C           670.00
9 Mecarel tin fish – 425/280g 1KG           171.00          172.00                173.00
10 Dry Chill – net.w 1KG           244.50          245.00                246.00
Dry Chill – net.w 1KG           249.00          250.00                251.00
11 Westes – G.w 1KG           137.00          138.00                140.00
12 Green Peas- net.w- Aus 1KG           205.50          206.50                207.50
Green Peas- net.wThai 1KG           190.50          191.50                192.50
13 White  Peas – Black Eye 1KG           201.00                203.00
14 Read Peas – Merron Import 1KG           186.00                188.00
15 Gram (Jumbo) -net.w 1KG           179.00             18.00                182.00
Gram (Mi) -net.w 1KG           176.00          177.00                179.00
16 Pepper 1KG           685.00                685.00
17 Mustard 1KG           196.00                198.00
Mustard 1KG           201.00                203.00
18 Fenugreek 1KG           142.00                144.00
19 Coriander 1KG           116.00                118.00
20 Coriander 1KG           121.00                123.00
21 Cumih 1KG           537.00                539.00
22 Fennel 1KG           332.00                334.00
23 Goraka 1KG           252.00                255.00
24 Tamarind 1KG           132.00                135.00
25 Sago 1KG           220.00                222.00
26 Cinnamon 1KG       2,110.00             2,130.00
27 Cardamom 1KG       3,160.00             3,200.00
28 Cloves 1KG       1,310.00             1,330.00
29 Tremaric 1KG           313.00                315.00
30 Plum 1KG           575.00                580.00
31 Dates 1KG           328.00                381.00
32 Undu 1KG           212.00                214.00